

Purchasing process

by Order Issues

Click on the shopping bag icon in the top right corner of the page to access the shopping cart. The shopping cart lists the name, quantity, cost, shipping and other information of your selected art pieces. If you wish to use your discount coupons, they are available in the bottom left corner. Select from the menu, or enter the discount code, and then click "Confirm". The total amount after discounts will be displayed. Click "Next" to confirm the recipient's information and payment method (please ensure that the information has been entered accurately to prevent any delays).

After confirming that the order is successful, the gallery will prepare to package and deliver the artwork to you. This process takes about 10-20 working days (you will be notified if the artwork has special conditions). Under "Orders", there is an option to log in to access the "Member Area". Click "Check Order" to view the order status.

Can I view the physical artwork?

by Order Issues

At this stage, online purchases of paintings via the website are mainly for smaller works, so we are currently unable to provide a viewing service.

Should you wish to personally confirm the condition of the artwork, kindly contact our company via e-mail to make an appointment before dropping by the art gallery to confirm the condition of the artwork.


LINE : @rzs1902f


How to find a artwork I need ?

by View all FAQ

Please visit "Artwork" page,  choose your request settings in the filter.