AART 上海城市藝術博覽會

isart gallery 御書房藝廊
AART 上海城市藝術博覽會
曾雍甯 (Booth: E505)
張子晴 (Booth: C326)
呂榮琛 林慧琪 黃至正 (Booth: C314)
上海衡山路十二號 豪華精選酒店
2019.5.10 11:00-17:00
2019.5.10 18:30-21:30
2019.5.11 11:00-20:00
2019.5.12 11:00-20:00
2005年以作品「野人花園」入選台北美術獎,2006年獲第九屆李仲生創作獎。作品以用色繽紛的彩色原子筆繪畫見長,其作品多次參展於法國L'Espace culturel Bonneroy等國際展賽,並獲國內外重要藝廊及美術館典藏,是台灣青年世代最受矚目藝術家之一。
張子晴的創作是透過身體與姿體動態行為來作畫,使畫面富有強韌的女性情感,有著似花卻非花的詩性情感,投射出強而有力的肌理和色彩從紐約開始,張子晴在台灣,西雅圖,新加坡,上海,深圳,香港各地參展,受到當地藏家的喜愛,也是目前isart gallery御書房藝廊積極推廣的代理藝術家。
作品多以複合媒材,影像呈現。從動物的解剖學,花草圖鑑,家族相片,一直到了經文與神話,黃至正都一直試圖藉由創作,在現實與精神之間鑿開裂縫,讓生命能夠轉折。2016年榮獲文化部遴選為Art Taipei「2016 Made In Taiwan-新人推薦特區」藝術家,2015臺南新藝獎首獎得主,作品榮獲臺南市立美術館,國立臺灣美術館典藏。
畢業於彰化師範大學美術系研究所,東海大學美術學系。2014至2017年更著重從心靈層面出發,促使在創作裡有更豐富而內斂的情感,運用充滿手感的礦物顏料,轉化為視覺,佈滿圓點的畫面。並在2017勤美術館展出個展後受到廣大的迴響。目前也是isart gallery御書房藝廊獨家代理藝術家
Yung-Ning Tseng
As a recognized emerging star in Taiwan, Yung Ning Tseng applies the vibrant and colorful strokes with an everyday medium—pen. Collected by many international and local museums and galleries, Tseng’s works have participated in L’ Espace Culturel Bonnefoy Exhibition in France numerous times. He also won The 9th Creative Prize of Li Chun-Shan Foundation in 2006; Savage Garden was nominated by Taipei Art Award in 2005.
Rong-Chen Lu
Having spent 20 years in France, Rong-Chen Lu witnessed the culmination of modern art. In Paris, he experienced the richness of modern art by visiting museums and studios of great masters, and building rapport with artists such as Zhao Wuo Chi. Inspired by the Abstract Expressionist in the 60s, Lu uses the washes and blend technique to express his spirit and emotion vehemently.
Tzu-Ching Chang
In a form of action painting, Tzu-Ching Chang paints with a firm yet feminine emotions, resulting in an abstract yet figurative, textured, and vibrant floral design uniquely belong to her. As the star artist represented by isart Gallery, Chang’s works are exhibited and collected in New York, Taiwan, Seattle, Singapore, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, etc.
Chih-Cheng Huang
Inspired by anatomy, floral pattern, family portrait, scriptures, and mythology, Chih-Cheng Huang uses mix media and photography to realize his vision between reality and the spiritual.
He won the Tainan New Artist 2015, and was nominated in Art Taipei: 2016 Made In Taiwan— New Artist; collected by Tainan Art Museum and National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.
Hui-Chi Lin
As a very young artist, Hui-Chi Lin found a way to convey her inexpressible emotion and spirit through her layer-after-layer of Dots. Her solo exhibition in Park Lane by CMP 2017 in Taichung kicked start her success and is now another star artist represented by isart Gallery.